Role: Strategic Designer | Team of 3
Skills coverage: UX Design, Visual Design
Duration: 4 months
UCI Dossier

Designing a corporate dossier to deliver to real state agents, with whom the real state loan company UCI shares its final client, the buyer of a house, and strengthen ties.


1. To create a B2B bridge between the UCI Credit Institution and the real state sector.
2. To Identify the company's value proposition with the real state sector.
3. To provide the real state agents with tools to guarantee business.
4. To give a continuous training to the real state agents that will have a direct impact on our common customer, the buyer of a house.
5. To clarify which are exactly the company's functions within the process.


We then proceeded to define the company's new Brand Promise as an extension of the company's positioning and brand experience in order to make our products and services desirable. After an extensive benchmarking and identify what is that makes our value proposition unique we developed the new Brand Promise.

1. We provide you with business

2. Operations under control

3. We grow professionally together


InVision prototype

We tested our design with an InVision prototype. We received extended feedback from various real state agents belonging RE/MAX, the world's leading and most extensive real state network, including its HR director. Then we proceeded to iterate the design copy to incorporate this feedback and launched a second prototype before agreeing on the final design, which was sent to all the company's real state network.

Impact measurement

This dossier has managed to increase the loyalty of the company's real state network by 10% since its validation and subsequent launch in January 2019.


The challenge

The company offers a more expensive service to the clients than its competitors, so it has to guarantee a better business.


1. To identify how we can position ourselves to differentiate from the competition.
2. To understand our relationship with real state agents and evaluate our value proposition.


1. To create tools to maintain the long-term relationship with the real state agents and to promote incentives to prolong this relationship.
2. To create a new Brand Promise that reflects our value proposition.


To real state agent is the partner that brings the company the most business and we need to achieve a long-term fruitful relationship with them."


design process

This was the first project I have ever been in charge of. Being able to decide which professional profiles I wanted to work with, I made up a team consisting on a Senior service designer and a junior visual designer to help us land our progress.
We applied a Design Thinking methodology to provide us of a framework of different methods, design artifacts and research tools that could be adapted according to the needs defined by the project context. On the other hand, we adopted a human-centered approach from an early phase of the project. We relied on the observation of our stakeholders for the generation of ideas and several iterations based on testing the different Sketch prototypes that we built during the project. Given the impact it has already had it is safe to say it was a successful project.


The narrative

We ran two workshops with both stakeholders involved -the real state agent and the buyer of a house- to help us define a storytelling that would work to creatively communicate our brand promise and the company's value. This helped us iterate from an early stage of the project, incorporating the client's perspective into the very first steps of the design process.

My role

I was selected to lead this project shortly after its conception. From the beginning I adopted an interdisciplinary approach till the final output, leading efforts to evolve the relationship with the stakeholders and address customer pain‐points related to the communication of the value proposition to improve our partnership experience. I worked alongside a service designer and closely collaborated with a visual designer with the constant supervision of the Head of Design.

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